Thursday, March 15, 2007

Origin Of Coffee:

Coffee originated on the plateaus of central Ethiopia. By A.D. 1000, Ethiopian Arabs were collecting the fruits of the tree, which grew wild, and preparing a beverage from its beans. During the fifteenth century , traders transplanted wild coffee trees from Africa to southern Arabia. The eastern Arabs, the first to cultivate coffee, soon adopted the Ethiopian Arabs' practice of making a hot beverage from its ground, roasted beans.
The Arabs' liked the taste and their fondness for the drink spread rapidly along trade routes, and Venetians had been introduced to coffee by 1600 around. In Europe as in Arabia, church and state officials frequently proscribed the new drink coffee, identifying it with the often-liberal discussions conducted by coffee house habitués, but the institutions nonetheless proliferated, nowhere more so than in 17th century London. The first coffee house opened there in 1652, and a large number of such establishments(cafés) opened soon after on both the European continent(café word comes from the French term for coffee) and in North America, where they appeared in such Eastern cities as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia in the last decade of the seventeenth century.



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